Friday, September 28, 2007



Recommind als Top - "Visionär" im Magic Quadrant of Information Access 2007 platziert
Rheinbach/Bonn, 28.09.2007 - Recommind GmbH, einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter intelligenter Suchmaschinentechnologie und Lösungen zur vollautomatischen Indexierung von Dokumenten in Expertenqualität, konnte in diesem Jahr abermals seine Platzierung im „Magic Quadrant of Information Access 2007“ des global anerkannten Analysten Gartner Inc. verbessern und setzt damit seine Erfolgsgeschichte fort.

Das Marktforschungsinstitut Gartner Inc. mit über 45.000 Kunden in 75 Ländern setzt zur Visualisierung der Ergebnisse seiner Marktanalysen sogenannte Magic-Quadrants ein, die verdeutlichen, wie Anbieter sich innerhalb eines Marktes positionieren. Die Einordnung erfolgt in einer der vier Quadranten: Leader, Visionäre, Herausforderer und Nischenakteure.

Recommind hatte neben der neuen Version 5.0 seiner Kernplattform MindServer™ in den letzten Monaten die neuen Produkte Axcelerate eDiscovery™ und Decisiv Email™ vorgestellt, die nach eigenen Angaben Meilensteine im Bereich der rechtssicheren Ablage und der automatisierten Email-Archivierung sind. Daneben konnte Recommind sowohl im europäischen als auch im US-amerikanischen Markt mehrere bedeutende Vertragsabschlüsse erzielen.

Der herstellerunabhängige Gartner-Report bietet eine ganzheitliche Sicht auf den derzeitigen Stand eines Unternehmens hinsichtlich Markt- und Kundenverständnis, der Fähigkeit, komplexe Projekte zu realisieren, der technischen Weitsicht und der zukunftsorientierten Pläne des Managements. Gartner Inc. spricht keine Empfehlungen aus.

Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management, 2007

Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management, 2007

This Magic Quadrant assesses content management vendors and their enterprise content management product suites' completeness, maturity and integration. As firms deploy content infrastructure and some core functions become commoditized, these aspects will be crucial. / Companies / IT - Microsoft to release search update / Companies / IT - Microsoft to release search update

Microsoft to release search update
By Chris Nuttall in San Francisco

Published: September 27 2007 05:21 | Last updated: September 27 2007 05:21

Microsoft, which has the third ranked US web search service, will release on Thursday a major update in an attempt to win market share from Google and Yahoo.

The company said the changes to Live Search represented a significant advancement in its core technology and the consumer experience.

The new version has specialised content in the entertainment, shopping, gealth and local categories. The company said up to 40 per cent of searches fell into these “verticals.”

“Our engineering focus is on the areas that matter most to our 185m consumers who use our service every month,” said Satya Nadella, corporate vice-president of the search and advertising platform group.

“With the core platform in place, we intend to win customers and earn their loyalty one query at a time.”

Google had a 56.5 per cent share of searches in the US in August, up 1.3 percentage points on the previous month, according to comScore.

Yahoo’s share was 23.3 per cent and Microsoft’s was 11.3 per cent, followed by Time Warner, including AOL, and Interactive Corporation’s Ask network, which both took 4.5 per cent.

Microsoft said the index of web pages on the new Live Search was four times larger and more relevant results would be returned. They would be easier to read in a new, cleaner user interface.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wissen und Fachkräfte in einem people_ready business

Wissen und Fachkräfte in einem people_ready business

Als Unternehmen vor Jahren versuchten, die Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse ihrer Mitarbeiter zu nutzen, sammelten sie diese Informationen in großen Datensystemen, wo sie zum Abruf bereitstanden. Doch kaum jemand griff auf das digitalisierte Wissen zu. Zu unhandlich, unstrukturiert und mit überflüssigen Informationen beladen kamen die Datenbanken daher. Zudem fürchteten die Mitarbeiter, überflüssig zu werden, wenn sie ihr persönliches Know-how dem Unternehmen und Kollegen zur Verfügung stellten. So blieb dem sogenannten Knowledge-Management der durchschlagende Erfolg verwehrt. - IT+Telekommunikation - Nachrichten - Google verspricht Tausende neue Jobs - IT+Telekommunikation - Nachrichten - Google verspricht Tausende neue Jobs

Google will seine Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit in Europa kräftig ausbauen und auf US-Niveau bringen. Deshalb will der Internetkonzern europaweit zusätzlich mehrere Tausend Techniker und IT-Entwickler einstellen.

Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Products, 2007

Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Products, 2007

The portal product market continues to mature, with most enterprises evaluating the products provided by a core group of commercial enterprise software vendors. Several horizontal portal vendors are leveraging Web 2.0 technologies and concepts to further differentiate their products.

Monday, September 24, 2007

4. abaXX Kompetenzforum: Portale und Business Process Management in der Praxis

4. abaXX Kompetenzforum: Portale und Business Process Management in der Praxis

Zum vierten Mal lädt der Softwareanbieter abaXX Technology AG am 24. Okt. 2007 zu einem Kompetenzforum nach Stuttgart ein. Anwender aus unterschiedlichen Branchen, etwa die BMW Bank AG, berichten über aktuelle Projekte aus dem Bereich Portale und BPM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

“Folksonomy, Keywords, & Tags: Social & Democratic User Interaction in Enterprise Content Management"

“Folksonomy, Keywords, & Tags: Social & Democratic User Interaction in Enterprise Content Management"

An Oracle Business & Technology White Paper
Updated July 2007

An organization’s production of content is only as effective as its ability to find the right information. Businesses are faced with the challenge of relevance – the ability to provide the right content to the right people at the right time. Many of the tactics that solve the continuing challenge of relevancy include ECM (enterprise content management) technology that incorporates folksonomies and tagging, a fully realized and unified approach that is able to be utilized across the ECM framework.

Is your organization buckling under the growing weight of the information explosion? If so, you're not alone. Read about the state of today’s information relevancy problem and how Oracle Universal Content Management’s folksonomy offering establishes a complete solution.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


MKBnet: "7-09-2007 Tweederde Europese bedrijven zoekt begeleiding voor mondiale samenwerking Tweederde van de Europese bedrijven zoekt begeleiding om de mondiale samenwerking efficiënter te maken. De belangrijkste technologieën om dit mogelijk te maken zijn `enterprise search` en virtuele werkplekken. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Coleman Parkes Research. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd in opdracht van het internationale consultancybureau Avanade. Deze Europese bedrijven willen met een partner naar manieren zoeken om effectiever mensen met elkaar en met informatie te verbinden. De meerderheid van de bedrijven zet reeds e-mail, videoconferenties, intranet en extranet in. Ze willen echter een stap verder gaan en een combinatie van e-mail, stem, tekst en aanwezigheidstechnologie realiseren. Andre Huizing, general manager bij Avanade Nederland bv, stelt dat een volledig geïntegreerde benadering van digitale samenwerking de hoogste prioriteit heeft bij organisaties. Volgens Huizing werd het grootste deel van de projecten betreffende informatiedeling uitgevoerd als testproject op afdelingsniveau. Tegenwoordig wordt 67% van de collaboration technologieprojecten uitgevoerd op het niveau van senior management en bestuur. Hij stelt dat een scheiding tussen communicatie en IT niet meer nodig is, aangezien het gebruik van voip-netwerken naar verwachting groeit met 61%."

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Autonomy Gains 'Leader' Position in Gartner Report

Autonomy Gains 'Leader' Position in Gartner Report

Keeping you fully abreast of the analyst reports germane to your chosen lifestyle, we can report that Autonomy Corporation plc, a vendor of CRM and other infrastructure software, has announced that industry analyst group Gartner (News - Alert) has positioned Autonomy in the Leaders Quadrant of its 2007 Information Access Technology Magic Quadrant Report.



Cambridge, UK and San Francisco, Calif. - September 12, 2007 - Autonomy Corporation plc (LSE: AU. or AU.L), a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise, today announced that industry analyst group Gartner, Inc. has positioned Autonomy in the Leaders Quadrant of its 2007 Information Access Technology Magic Quadrant Report(1). The analysis is based on Autonomy's "Ability to Execute" and "Completeness of Vision".

IT does matter – gerade im Enterprise 2.0 - IT-Strategien -

IT does matter – gerade im Enterprise 2.0 - IT-Strategien -

Auf dem "European ICT Forum" von IDC erläuterte der Trendforscher und Buchautor Don Tapscott den von ihm geschaffenen Begriff "Wikinomics".

Wednesday, September 05, 2007 / Companies / IT - Race for ‘next big thing’ in Silicon Valley / Companies / IT - Race for ‘next big thing’ in Silicon Valley

Race for ‘next big thing’ in Silicon Valley
By Richard Waters in San Francisco

Published: September 5 2007 20:15 | Last updated: September 5 2007 20:15

Silicon Valley’s annual coming-out season for tech start-ups is about to turn into a stampede.

In the next few weeks, the wraps will be removed from some 150 new companies and products at a handful of events in California competing to identify the tech industry’s Next Big Thing.

The race to find the Valley’s hottest new idea reflects growing investor interest triggered by the high prices paid for recent internet start-ups such as YouTube, as well as the increasingly fierce Darwinian struggle among the newcomers to get noticed.

The large number of companies formed around hot trends such as web search, social networking and online video has added spice to the importance of the autumn events, according to entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.

“At this stage of the frothiness, it’s extremely difficult to get attention,” says Munjal Shah, founder of, an image search engine.

“The capital cost of starting a business today is very low,” says Chris Shipley, producer of Demo, one of the first tech events. “We’re seeing a lot of ideas make it from the spare bedroom to a showcase or the marketplace very quickly.” was the sole start-up featured two years ago at a party thrown by Mike Arrington, whose widely read TechCrunch blog has made him the Valley’s latest kingmaker.

For his first formal conference this month, Mr Arrington has just doubled the number of companies presenting to 40 because, according to his website, there are “just too many strong start-ups”.

Other events that hope to unveil hot companies and products in the coming weeks include the Web 2.0 conference, the event that gave its name to the latest wave of online innovation, and Demo, which has expanded to two events a year.

The scramble for attention is another symptom of Silicon Valley’s latest start-up boom. The amount of venture capital being invested in the US is at its highest level since 2001 and it has led to a rash of “me-too” companies.

The flood of copycat companies is a sign of the over-heated phase of the investment cycle, according to observers.

However, for most of those that make it to the big showcase events, the attention from being in the spotlight is likely to be fleeting.

Being named “the coolest, hottest thing” can produce a “drug-induced traffic high” as users rush to try out the latest websites.

Once that initial surge of interest falls off, the hard work of building a lasting business really begins.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007 / Companies / IT - Microsoft loses Office software standards vote / Companies / IT - Microsoft loses Office software standards vote

Microsoft loses Office software standards vote
By Richard Waters in San Francisco

Published: September 5 2007 00:38 | Last updated: September 5 2007 00:38

Microsoft has failed in its initial attempt to have some of the key new technology in its latest Windows and Office software recognised as an international standard.

However, the software company claimed strong momentum for its efforts and predicted that it would overcome the remaining hurdles by early next year.

Microsoft is seeking recognition for the formats for documents and spreadsheets contained in its new Office software, known as Open XML.

Winning approval is considered essential since many governments are otherwise expected to balk at the new Microsoft technology, opting instead for the rival ODF format, which already has international recognition.

Though technology standard-setting efforts like this seldom attract much public attention, Microsoft’s push is seen as a vital part of its attempt to win broad support for the latest versions of its key desktop software products.

Also, the company’s controversial international campaign to win support, by getting supporters of its position to take part in national-level discussions about the issue in many countries, has drawn allegations of abuse from rivals such as IBM.

The International Standards Organisation said Tuesday that only 53 per cent of countries that voted on whether Microsoft’s technology should be adopted as a standard had supported the move at this stage, short of the two-thirds majority needed.

Also, 26 per cent had voted against the plan, while under ISO rules an initiative cannot be approved if more than 25 per cent vote against.

Microsoft will get the chance to propose changes to its application at a meeting in February.

If those changes prove insufficient, it will be forced to follow a slower application process that could take as long as two to three years to complete.

Even a delay at this stage is likely to discourage governments from moving ahead to buy new Microsoft software, claimed Marino Marcich, managing director of the rival ODF Alliance.

However, Tom Robertson, general manager of inter-operability and standards at Microsoft, denied that the delay would hit sales.

He claimed that the initial ISO vote was “a very positive sign of momentum” towards ultimate support.

He said that standards bodies in some countries, such as Ireland, had indicated their support in principle, even though they voted against at this stage, suggesting that Microsoft will be able to achieve its objective.

Microsoft’s opponents, meanwhile, claim that the company will have to make substantial changes to its application before gaining full recognition, for instance by tying the formats less closely to its other software.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007