Friday, November 30, 2007 / Technology - Doing what comes naturally / Technology - Doing what comes naturally

Doing what comes naturally
By Alan Cane

Published: November 20 2007 14:44 | Last updated: November 20 2007 14:44

People collaborate naturally; the internet has simply added a new dimension to this most human of characteristics.

“If collaboration hasn’t happened in the past, it’s mostly because barriers got in the way – geography, time zone, position in the corporate hierarchy, language and so on,” says Graham Oakes, founder and head of the IT consultancy Graham Oakes Ltd. “Most technology does not really help collaboration so much as reduce the effect of barriers.”

These technologies enable individuals and groups to communicate easily across time and space, sharing data and the “same version of the truth”.

Jen Wachtel, senior product marketing manager for Vignette, a collaboration tools developer based in Austin, Texas, says that, to her, collaboration means “allowing people to connect across their organisations where before they were siloed by geography, department or status.

“It enables omnidirectional communication. Products get to market faster because the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ enables you to make quicker and smarter decisions.”

Not everybody agrees, as will become evident later in this article, but there is, nevertheless, a cornucopia of collaboration software tools on offer, ranging from the large and complex to the small and simple, from the heavily professional to the consumer-oriented.

Dassault Systèmes’ Enovia product set represents the top end of the market. It is used by Boeing to co-ordinate the design and production of airliners, most recently, the US aerospace group’s giant 787 Dreamliner.

John Squire, vice-president of Enovia marketing for the French software group, says supporting the development of the 787 is the most complicated commission Dassault has undertaken and “uses everything we have”.

Boeing describes it as a “global collaborative environment”. Mr Squire says it is a way to bring together the 40 partners sharing the risk of creating the 787.

“It’s the people who build the engines, the fuselage components, the avionics and so forth,” he explains. “Three years ago, before the airplane ever existed, Boeing could bring all the parts together in a three-dimensional digital model and ensure they fitted together before they had to worry about manufacturing those parts. They could check for tolerances and conflicts between parts early in the development phase when the cost is much lower.”

Mr Squire says the trick in collaboration is to allow engineers to have access to the parts they are responsible for, allow them to see the parts around it, but deny them access to parts for which they do not have clearance.

“We use 3D as the universal language. Even if you don’t speak the same language as a Japanese engineer, you can share the screen with the guy and point to a problem area. Using a few words of broken English over instant messaging you can communicate what needs to happen.”

Dassault 3D software is used to collaborate in the design of everything from airliners and rocket engines to yoghurt cartons and mobile phones. At the other end of the scale, there is a growing market for simple collaboration tools using nothing more complex than the telephone and a web browser.

MeetingZone, for example, a fast-growing UK-based company, has introduced a high level of automation, and therefore economies of scale, to the simple concept of conferencing by telephone coupled with screen-sharing over the internet.

Tim Duffy, co-founder and chief executive, points to the disadvantages of conventional business meetings: “No one has the time, no one wants to put up with the expense and inconvenience of travel and everybody is looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

“We think good collaboration tools that enable people to do business without travelling are vital requirements for most businesses these days.”

While still small, MeetingZone, Mr Duffy says, has achieved 67 per cent average annual growth for the past three years, suggesting his analysis is accurate.

Sun Microsystems, the US group whose server technology underpins much of the internet, prescribes collaboration and takes its own medicine with a full set of collaboration tools.

According to Heather Garrett, head of human resources for Sun in the UK, the intention was to enable staff to work any time and anywhere. She says the result has been a 30 per cent improvement in productivity with impressive savings on travel, real estate and a lower carbon footprint. Sun staff are in favour of electronic collaboration, she says.

Ten years ago, the company started with a collaboration site, a shared work and information space, and added a collaboration dashboard, a way of tracking progress in projects, so individuals can see what has been achieved and what has yet to be delivered.

Jay Huff, head of Sun’s UK marketing department, says the company has taken to wikis in a big way. A wiki involves software that allows users easily to create, edit and link web pages. According to Wikipedia, the Delphic oracle on all things wiki, they are: “often used to create collaborative websites, power community websites and are increasingly being installed by businesses to provide affordable and effective intranets”.

This is their function at Sun, where Mr Huff says all the company’s engineers and systems architects work in a wiki environment. Wikis are also popular with the marketing people: “Wikis are where we talk about work in progress so we can get feedback quickly,” Mr Huff says.

“The aim is to stop the tremendous amount of e-mails you would normally have associated with one of these projects where everybody responds to everybody else with 20 to 30 e-mails on the same subject.”

E-mail jail is an example of the kind of dangers that lurk in the over-enthusiastic use of technology to promote collaboration. Dr Oakes, the IT consultant, warns that many people are driven to respond to e-mails and instant messages 24 hours a day. “Eventually they will burn out and be lost to collaboration altogether,” he comments.

“This happens because they have not developed ways to control the technology – it is controlling them. Helping people take back this control, perhaps by developing appropriate etiquette within their networks, is probably necessary for most companies to push collaboration to the next level.”

Sun Microsystems is unusual in that its management encourages – but does not mandate – staff to make use of social networking sites such as Facebook, Ning and Twitter where it makes sense to do so – to distribute information before a conference, perhaps, or photographs of attendees.

There are dangers, of course. Global Secure Systems, an IT security consultancy, faced spending several thousands of pounds upgrading its internet access provision until it discovered that about a quarter of its bandwidth was being swallowed up in social networking: “After locking down this traffic, we found we didn’t actually need to upgrade our bandwidth after all,” says David Hobson, GSS managing director.

He now advises his clients to block access to social networking sites. “They are just trouble all round and have no place in the modern business environment, even during legitimate staff breaks,” he said.

However, Scott Petty of Dimension Data, an IT services group based in South Africa, argues that social networking sites, used carefully, are both valid and necessary business tools.

He says: “Our younger engineers straight out of college are much more comfortable with tools such as Second Life and Facebook than senior managers. They would think we were quite a strange company if we didn’t allow
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007

Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Products, 2007

Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Products, 2007

The portal product market continues to mature, with most enterprises evaluating the products provided by a core group of commercial enterprise software vendors. Several horizontal portal vendors are leveraging Web 2.0 technologies and concepts to further differentiate their products.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Knowledge-Management im Zeitalter von Web 2.0 und Open Source

Knowledge-Management im Zeitalter von Web 2.0 und Open Source

Neue und innovative Technologien und Ansätze im Umgang mit unstrukturierten DatenKnowledge-Management muss aufgrund seiner interdisziplinären Natur mit einer Vielzahl von Applikationen im Unternehmen integrieren und koexistieren, sich schnell an neue Bedürfnisse anpassen lassen und gleichzeitig maximalen Nutzen bei minimalem Aufwand für die Benutzer erzeugen. Eine Reihe von neuen Standards, Technologien und Lösungsansätzen helfen beim Bau und Betrieb derartiger Lösungen.

Knowledge-Management im Zeitalter von Web 2.0 und Open Source

Knowledge-Management im Zeitalter von Web 2.0 und Open Source

Knowledge- und Information-Management ist eine Disziplin, die Informatik-Spezialisten und -Benutzer schon lange beschäftigt, doch erst mit neuen Technologien aus dem Open- Source- und Web-2.0-Umfeld scheinen die schon früh geweckten Hoffnungen erfüllt werden zu können.

Goethe-Institut wählt zur Erstellung von Sprachinhalten für E-Learning das Learning CMS von Eedo

Goethe-Institut wählt zur Erstellung von Sprachinhalten für E-Learning das Learning CMS von Eedo

ForceTen ermöglicht dem Goethe-Institut, über eine komplexe und globale Organisation hinweg, das Verfassen von Inhalten zu dezentralisieren und dabei die Kontrolle über Qualitätsstandards und Best Practices zu bewahren

Eedo Knowledgeware meldete, dass das deutsche Goethe-Institut Eedo ForceTen(TM) als seine Hauptplattform zur Herstellung von auf E-Learning basierender Sprachausbildung gewählt hat. Das Goethe-Institut wählte ForceTen, weil es eine komplexe Reihe von Anforderungen zur Erstellung und Verwaltung von Inhalten unterstützen und auch integriertes Lernen fördern kann.

Das Goethe-Institut ist eine gemeinnützige, deutsche staatliche Organisation, deren Mission die weltweite Förderung der deutschen Sprache und Kultur ist. E-Learning nimmt bei der Initiative, das Angebot an hochwertigen Sprachkursen zu erhalten und auszuweiten, eine zentrale Rolle ein.

"Wir benötigten ein System, dass das Verfassen von Inhalten für E-Learning über eine komplexe und globale Organisation hinweg dezentralisiert und trotzdem die Kontrolle von Qualitätsstandards erlaubt", erklärte Marcus Biechele, Leiter des Multimedia -Entwicklungsteams.

"ForceTen mit seinem Datenbank-basierten, objektorientierten Inhaltsmodell und seiner reichhaltigen Menge an Verwaltungsfunktionen erlaubt uns den Zugriff und die Wiederverwendung von Media Assets, Fragen oder ganzen Modulen, egal wo sie erstellt worden sind. Damit wird es uns ermöglicht, Inhalte schneller und kostengünstiger zu produzieren", fuhr Biechele fort.

Das Goethe-Institut bietet Module für E-Learning als Teil eines integrierten Lernkonzepts an, das zur Erweiterung seines Angebots an Sprachkursen entwickelt wurde. Die Module werden auch zur Förderung langfristiger Kundenbeziehungen über das typische Kursmodell hinaus verwendet werden.

"Das Goethe-Institut hat die anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, die internationale kulturelle Zusammenarbeit zu fördern und benötigt dementsprechend eine verständliche und skalierbare Lösung für das Lehrgebiet Deutsch als Fremdsprache, um seine Ziele zu erreichen", erklärte John Hudson, Präsident und CEO von Eedo Knowledgeware. "Unsere beeindruckende Erfolgsgeschichte in staatlichen und internationalen Organisationen sowie auch unsere Präsenz in Deutschland beweisen, dass wir ein starker und zuverlässiger Partner für solch ein schwieriges Projekt sind."

Im September gab Eedo bekannt, dass das Unternehmen seine deutsche Präsenz ausgebaut und seinen deutschen Hauptsitz nach Berlin verlegt hat. Von Elearnity, Europas führendem unabhängigen Unternehmen für Lernanalyse, wurde Eedo, in einer diesjährigen Studie, als ein etablierter Unternehmer im europäischen Markt bezeichnet. Die Studie, die sich auf den Markt für die Verwaltung von Lerninhalten konzentrierte, bestätigte ForceTen auch als eines der klassenbesten Managementsysteme für Lerninhalte (LCMS - Learning Content Management System).

ForceTen liefert ein effektives Mittel zur Entwicklung, zum Einsatz und zum Erhalt von Bildungs- und Trainingsprogrammen. Die dynamischen Fähigkeiten der Produkte des Unternehmens ermöglichen es Organisationen, Inhalte einfach zu aktualisieren und wieder zu verwenden und dabei flexible Lernprogramme zu liefern, die sich an die individuellen Nutzerwünsche, -anforderungen und -vorlieben anpassen lassen. ForceTen ist eines von mehreren Produkten, die Eedos Wissens- und Learning-Suite verbinden.

28.11.2007, Eedo Knowledgeware

Friday, November 09, 2007

Facebook Makes a Large Bet to Reinvent Advertising

Facebook Makes a Large Bet to Reinvent Advertising

Facebook bills its new initiative as the future of advertising. Success is far from certain and depends on subtle implementation details and uncharted areas of consumer behavior.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Google Takes First Step in Face-off With Facebook

Google Takes First Step in Face-off With Facebook

The OpenSocial initiative launches Google's long-awaited counterstrike to the Facebook challenge. This limited-scope specification is just an early step in what will be a prolonged battle in the social-platform market. / By sector - Study urges IT valuation rethink / By sector - Study urges IT valuation rethink

Study urges IT valuation rethink
By Pan Kwan Yuk in Paris and Philip Stafford in London

Published: November 4 2007 23:52 | Last updated: November 4 2007 23:52

Companies need to dramatically rethink the way they manage and value their information technology assets if they are to extract better returns from these investments, according to a study published on Monday.

Describing IT hardware and software as the “last remaining hidden corporate asset”, the study, commissioned by Micro Focus, a UK software developer, said core IT assets should be valued with the same rigour and discipline as other corporate assets such as brand and goodwill.

Insead, the Paris-based business school that carried out the research, said that while IT now plays a vital role in driving corporate performance, companies have continued to treat their IT not as assets for value creation but as an expense item to be minimised.

“It’s astounding,” said Soumitra Dutta of Insead.

“While firms have long focused on creating value from physical assets such as factory or store space and intangible assets such as brands, IT assets as a vehicle for value creation have remained largely ignored.”

One problem, according to Prof Dutta, is that even though companies spend billions on IT every year, few boardrooms know the value of their hardware and software and the contributions that they make to their business.

In a study released last month, Micro Focus and Insead found that of the 250 chief information officers and chief finance officers surveyed from companies in the US, UK, France, Germany and Italy, fewer than half had tried to value their IT assets, while 60 per cent did not know the worth of their software.

“When it comes to technology, people tend to get lost in jargon and focus on the new and shiny,” said Stephen Kelly, chief executive of Micro Focus. “Very little thought goes into the benefits that result from the new system and almost none to deriving maximum value from it.”

Yet Prof Dutta said that the potential savings for companies who take the time to analyse the value of their software assets could be huge.

“Think of a house,” he says.

“Would you knock down an entire house when what you need is to update the kitchen? No.

“Yet we see companies spending millions of dollars to build a new IT system every other year when, in many cases, what they needed was just to update the existing one.”

One way Prof Dutta says companies can measure the business value of their core IT assets is through conjoint analysis, a statistical technique used in market research in which people make trade-offs across different attributes.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007

Friday, November 02, 2007

Google hat neuen Spurt-Partner | Wirtschaft | Deutsche Welle | 02.11.2007

Google hat neuen Spurt-Partner | Wirtschaft | Deutsche Welle | 02.11.2007

Zwei wichtige strategische Entscheidungen für die Internet-Ökonomie sind gefallen: Der Internet-Konzern Google wird mit MySpace zusammenarbeiten und ein eigenes Google-Handy auf den Markt bringen.