CeBIT: Open Text macht Web 2.0 sicher und verbindet Compliance mit Social Computing
Open Text, Anbieter im Bereich Enterprise Content Management (ECM), präsentiert zur CeBIT 2008 Lösungen, um die kollaborative Zusammenarbeit auch im Umfeld von Web 2.0 sicher und produktiv zu gestalten. Die Kombination aus den neuen Web 2.0-Lösungen der Open Text Web Solutions Group mit Records Management, Security und Archivierung schlägt die Brücke zwischen Regularien (Compliance) und mehr Produktivität im Umgang mit Wissen für Unternehmen.
Open Text stellt auf der CeBIT 2008 gemeinsam mit RedDot, der Open Text Web Solutions Group, Konzepte und Lösungen vor, um Unternehmen den sicheren Einsatz von Enterprise 2.0-Technologien zu ermöglichen. Open Text bietet mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung im kollaborativen Umfeld beste Lösungen, um jegliche Informationsprozesse in Unternehmen zu unterstützen. Die Content Experten kümmern sich auch um die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen wie Compliance, Zugriffsschutz und Risikomanagement. Integriert mit den neuen RedDot Web 2.0-Anwendungen wie Foren, Blogs, Wikis und Tagging, bieten diese vielfältige Möglichkeiten, um Mitarbeiterwissen in Unternehmen auf sicherem Wege durchsuchbar zu machen und produktiver zu gestalten. "Dies ermöglicht eine Konsistenz, wie sie bisher nur beim traditionellen Umgang mit Content realisierbar war. Web 2.0 wird dadurch für Unternehmen erstmals entsprechend integriert und sicher einsetzbar", so Daniel Kraft, President von RedDot, der Open Text Web Solutions Group.
Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt am Messestand bilden die neuen Open Text Content Services, eine system- und applikationsunabhängige Schicht von Webdiensten für ECM. Die Open Text Content Services bilden die Basis der neuen Produktgeneration von Open Text, das damit einen innovativen und Storage-agnostischen, das heißt von den physischen Aufbewahrungsorten der Inhalte abstrahierenden Ansatz zu ECM verfolgt. Durch die Bereitstellung von ECM-Funktionalitäten zwischen der Ebene der Content-Speicher einerseits und der Applikationen und Anwenderoberflächen andererseits beseitigt Open Text die durch unterschiedliche Systeme erzeugten Silos für Inhalte und Prozesse.
"Mit den Open Text Content Services können Unternehmen die Reichweite ihrer Implementierungen von inhaltsintensiven Anwendungen problemlos auf das gesamte Unternehmen ausdehnen. Dazu zählen neben branchenspezifischen Applikationen Anwendungen zu Eingangsrechnungsbearbeitung, Management von Personalakten (Employee Information Management), Kundenakten (Customer Information Management) oder Lieferantenakten (Supplier Information Management), Vertragsmanagement, Management regulierter Dokumente oder von Prozessakten, interner Revision und Risikomanagement sowie Markenmanagement", so Urs Sträuli, Vice President of Sales, Central and Eastern Europe, Open Text.
Der Hauptnutzen der Services liegt in ihrer Integrationsfähigkeit in die vorhandene IT-Infrastruktur einer Organisation. Denn dadurch lassen sich Inhalte aus verschiedensten Systemen im Rahmen einer kohärenten Strategie miteinander verknüpfen und managen. Gleichzeitig steigt für die Unternehmen der Wert ihrer wichtigen Unternehmensapplikationen. Open Text kann diese integrierten Funktionalitäten aufgrund seiner strategischen Partnerschaften speziell mit Microsoft und SAP liefern und verfügt damit über ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal im Markt.
31.01.2008, Katalin Balogh
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
CMS-Vorstellung: TYPO3 im Überblick
CMS-Vorstellung: TYPO3 im Überblick
Im Vergleich von Content Management Systemen taucht ein Name in zuverlässiger Regelmäßigkeit auf: TYPO3. Es handelt sich dabei um eines der mächtigsten OpenSource CMS auf dem Markt und anhand der zahlreichen Installationen auch um eines der weiter verbreiteten Systeme.
Zu diesem Erfolg hat sicherlich die Eigenschaft von TYPO3 beigetragen, sowohl für kleinere Webpräsenzen also auch für sehr große Portale etc. geeignet zu sein. Für letzteres Segment
hat es in letzter Zeit einige Entwicklungsfortschritte gerade bei der Erstellung und Bearbeitung von komplexen Datenstrukturen gegeben...
Blick in das Back-End für Redakteure:
Im Vergleich von Content Management Systemen taucht ein Name in zuverlässiger Regelmäßigkeit auf: TYPO3. Es handelt sich dabei um eines der mächtigsten OpenSource CMS auf dem Markt und anhand der zahlreichen Installationen auch um eines der weiter verbreiteten Systeme.
Zu diesem Erfolg hat sicherlich die Eigenschaft von TYPO3 beigetragen, sowohl für kleinere Webpräsenzen also auch für sehr große Portale etc. geeignet zu sein. Für letzteres Segment
hat es in letzter Zeit einige Entwicklungsfortschritte gerade bei der Erstellung und Bearbeitung von komplexen Datenstrukturen gegeben...
Blick in das Back-End für Redakteure:
Monday, January 21, 2008 / Companies / IT - IBM to vie with Microsoft for business market / Companies / IT - IBM to vie with Microsoft for business market
IBM to vie with Microsoft for business market
By Richard Waters
Published: January 21 2008 16:48 | Last updated: January 21 2008 16:48
IBM is to take another stab at breaking into one of Microsoft’s core markets, with the announcement on Monday of new software initiatives aimed at small businesses.
Slowing growth in the “enterprise” market of big companies and governments has prompted a number of tech giants to look down-market in search of new opportunities. Most notable is SAP, which is trying to break out of its traditional large-company market with its Business By Design line of online services. Quoting research firm IDC, IBM said the IT market for small businesses is worth $400bn a year.
However, the push takes these companies into head-on competition with Microsoft in one of its most entrenched markets, thanks to the near-ubiquitous use of its desktop software and an established network of partners who sell and support its products.
IBM’s plans include a line of server software products for the smallest businesses, or those with between five and 100 employees, a type of customer that IBM has never targeted before.
They also involve a series of “software-as-a-service” (Saas) offerings for slightly bigger companies. With Saas, a tech company takes over a computing function on behalf of a customer and delivers the results over the internet as a service, usually in return for a monthly fee.
IBM has used a series of acquisitions to support its push into the small business market. Last Friday, it announced the purchase of Net Integrations Technologies, a 60-person company in Toronto, whose software will sit at the heart of the new small business server. Other acquisitions have included WebDialogs, a web conferencing concern, whose software is to be embedded in the new Saas initiative.
Known as IBM Lotus Foundations, IBM’s server line will build on the company’s email and collaboration software business. Though no pricing was disclosed, IBM said it would set the level below Microsoft’s Small Business Server, its own entry-level server product for small businesses. The first product to be announced includes a package of basics such as email, data back-up and recovery and office productivity tools.
The small-business software push follows IBM’s announcement last year of a package of productivity applications, known as Lotus Symphony, that directly challenge Microsoft’s Office suite.
With Symphony, IBM hopes to create a “front end” interface through which users can access its other software tools.
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
IBM to vie with Microsoft for business market
By Richard Waters
Published: January 21 2008 16:48 | Last updated: January 21 2008 16:48
IBM is to take another stab at breaking into one of Microsoft’s core markets, with the announcement on Monday of new software initiatives aimed at small businesses.
Slowing growth in the “enterprise” market of big companies and governments has prompted a number of tech giants to look down-market in search of new opportunities. Most notable is SAP, which is trying to break out of its traditional large-company market with its Business By Design line of online services. Quoting research firm IDC, IBM said the IT market for small businesses is worth $400bn a year.
However, the push takes these companies into head-on competition with Microsoft in one of its most entrenched markets, thanks to the near-ubiquitous use of its desktop software and an established network of partners who sell and support its products.
IBM’s plans include a line of server software products for the smallest businesses, or those with between five and 100 employees, a type of customer that IBM has never targeted before.
They also involve a series of “software-as-a-service” (Saas) offerings for slightly bigger companies. With Saas, a tech company takes over a computing function on behalf of a customer and delivers the results over the internet as a service, usually in return for a monthly fee.
IBM has used a series of acquisitions to support its push into the small business market. Last Friday, it announced the purchase of Net Integrations Technologies, a 60-person company in Toronto, whose software will sit at the heart of the new small business server. Other acquisitions have included WebDialogs, a web conferencing concern, whose software is to be embedded in the new Saas initiative.
Known as IBM Lotus Foundations, IBM’s server line will build on the company’s email and collaboration software business. Though no pricing was disclosed, IBM said it would set the level below Microsoft’s Small Business Server, its own entry-level server product for small businesses. The first product to be announced includes a package of basics such as email, data back-up and recovery and office productivity tools.
The small-business software push follows IBM’s announcement last year of a package of productivity applications, known as Lotus Symphony, that directly challenge Microsoft’s Office suite.
With Symphony, IBM hopes to create a “front end” interface through which users can access its other software tools.
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008 - Deutschland - Nachrichten - Deutsche bauen Nokia-Werk in Rumänien - Deutschland - Nachrichten - Deutsche bauen Nokia-Werk in Rumänien
Die politische Empörung über den finnischen Handyhersteller Nokia könnte sich noch vergrößern: Nokias neues Werk in Rumänien wird ausgerechnet von einem deutschen Unternehmen errichtet. Der Auftrag dafür wurde bereits im Sommer 2007 vergeben.
Die politische Empörung über den finnischen Handyhersteller Nokia könnte sich noch vergrößern: Nokias neues Werk in Rumänien wird ausgerechnet von einem deutschen Unternehmen errichtet. Der Auftrag dafür wurde bereits im Sommer 2007 vergeben.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
CeBIT: RedDot zeigt Einblicke in neue Produktgeneration sowie Web 2.0- und SAP-Lösungen
CeBIT: RedDot zeigt Einblicke in neue Produktgeneration sowie Web 2.0- und SAP-Lösungen
RedDot, die Open Text Web Solutions Group, zeigt auf der CeBIT in der Halle 3 am Stand D09 erste Einblicke in ihre neue Produktgeneration, die RedDot Web Solutions Suite. Mit der neuen, ab Sommer 2008 verfügbaren, vollständig integrierten Web Content Management (WCM)-Lösung können Informationen noch leichter und gezielter über Websites, Portale, Extra- und Intranets bereit gestellt werden. Die neue Suite des WCM-Spezialisten ermöglicht Anwendern nach einmaliger Anmeldung (Single-Sign-On) das effiziente Erstellen, Pflegen und Optimieren von redaktionellen und Web 2.0-Inhalten sowie die integrierte Nutzung jeglicher Content-Quellen wie Repositories, Portale oder SAP. Die personalisiert bereit gestellten Inhalte lassen sich durch integriertes Reporting kontrollieren und dadurch optimieren, was wesentlich zum Erfolg von Web-Medien beiträgt.
RedDot, die Open Text Web Solutions Group, zeigt auf der CeBIT in der Halle 3 am Stand D09 erste Einblicke in ihre neue Produktgeneration, die RedDot Web Solutions Suite. Mit der neuen, ab Sommer 2008 verfügbaren, vollständig integrierten Web Content Management (WCM)-Lösung können Informationen noch leichter und gezielter über Websites, Portale, Extra- und Intranets bereit gestellt werden. Die neue Suite des WCM-Spezialisten ermöglicht Anwendern nach einmaliger Anmeldung (Single-Sign-On) das effiziente Erstellen, Pflegen und Optimieren von redaktionellen und Web 2.0-Inhalten sowie die integrierte Nutzung jeglicher Content-Quellen wie Repositories, Portale oder SAP. Die personalisiert bereit gestellten Inhalte lassen sich durch integriertes Reporting kontrollieren und dadurch optimieren, was wesentlich zum Erfolg von Web-Medien beiträgt.
Web Content Management
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Friday, January 04, 2008 / In depth - Autonomy strikes subprime gold / In depth - Autonomy strikes subprime gold
Autonomy strikes subprime gold
By Maija Palmer, Technology Correspondent
Published: January 4 2008 01:18 | Last updated: January 4 2008 01:18
Autonomy has struck a $70m (£35m) deal with a large global bank, by far its largest contract to date and the first concrete sign that the search software company could benefit from the US subprime lending crisis.
The deal, believed to be with Citigroup, is for software that allows businesses to quickly retrieve documents for lawsuits. Banks are thought to be growing increasingly worried about facing shareholder litigation over the losses they have taken on subprime home loans and are setting their internal computer systems in order to meet any legal demands.
Autonomy declined to name its client.
“We think it is likely that more deals of this nature will be signed as pressures mount for banks to prepare for potential litigation in the wake of the subprime crisis,” said Derek Brown, analyst at Seymour Pierce.
Citigroup reported subprime-related losses of $11bn last year, leading to the resignation of Chuck Prince, chief executive. Merrill Lynch also wrote down £8bn, and UBS, Morgan Stanley, HSBC and Bear Stearns have all reported heavy losses from the mortgage crisis.
Mike Lynch, chief executive of Autonomy, said the company had small contracts with almost all the large banks and expected many of these to be expanded.
“Banks have been looking at this issue for some time, but now the subprime crisis is causing them to accelerate their programmes,” he said.
If shareholders sue, discovering all relevant unstructured documents such as e-mails and phone records can take months or even years. However, US federal rules of civil disclosure, which came into force a year ago, require companies to file all documents to the court in just 99 days.
Autonomy acquired the e-discovery software through the purchase of US-based rival Zantaz in July for $375m.
The $70m deal, expected to run over four years, is the largest single contract Autonomy has ever signed. Its average deal size is usually about $375,000. In the third quarter, for example, it only had five deals of more than £1m.
Shares in Autonomy, which have climbed 72 per cent over the past year, closed up 3 per cent at 901p on Thursday.
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
Autonomy strikes subprime gold
By Maija Palmer, Technology Correspondent
Published: January 4 2008 01:18 | Last updated: January 4 2008 01:18
Autonomy has struck a $70m (£35m) deal with a large global bank, by far its largest contract to date and the first concrete sign that the search software company could benefit from the US subprime lending crisis.
The deal, believed to be with Citigroup, is for software that allows businesses to quickly retrieve documents for lawsuits. Banks are thought to be growing increasingly worried about facing shareholder litigation over the losses they have taken on subprime home loans and are setting their internal computer systems in order to meet any legal demands.
Autonomy declined to name its client.
“We think it is likely that more deals of this nature will be signed as pressures mount for banks to prepare for potential litigation in the wake of the subprime crisis,” said Derek Brown, analyst at Seymour Pierce.
Citigroup reported subprime-related losses of $11bn last year, leading to the resignation of Chuck Prince, chief executive. Merrill Lynch also wrote down £8bn, and UBS, Morgan Stanley, HSBC and Bear Stearns have all reported heavy losses from the mortgage crisis.
Mike Lynch, chief executive of Autonomy, said the company had small contracts with almost all the large banks and expected many of these to be expanded.
“Banks have been looking at this issue for some time, but now the subprime crisis is causing them to accelerate their programmes,” he said.
If shareholders sue, discovering all relevant unstructured documents such as e-mails and phone records can take months or even years. However, US federal rules of civil disclosure, which came into force a year ago, require companies to file all documents to the court in just 99 days.
Autonomy acquired the e-discovery software through the purchase of US-based rival Zantaz in July for $375m.
The $70m deal, expected to run over four years, is the largest single contract Autonomy has ever signed. Its average deal size is usually about $375,000. In the third quarter, for example, it only had five deals of more than £1m.
Shares in Autonomy, which have climbed 72 per cent over the past year, closed up 3 per cent at 901p on Thursday.
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
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