Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS)

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS)
Stony Brook University’s Division of Information Technology recently issued its second edition of DoIT News. It is a newsletter geared towards faculty and staff that is currently being published once a semester. The big news item this spring was the announcement of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) being available on campus. For those who did not see the newsletter, here is the article along with related links. If you are a member of the Stony Brook University community, give SharePoint a try and let us know what you think!

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Now Available

Improved team productivity, tools for collaboration and a means to keep people connected regardless of geographic location are three big reasons to try out Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.

Collaboration is a whole lot easier at Stony Brook University. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server technology provides freedom to create and manage Internet sites that allow for document sharing, team collaboration, Web-site authoring, content management and social networking.

To get started using SharePoint all you need is a Web browser (preferably Microsoft’s Internet Explorer) and your Stony Brook NetID.

Research teams, committees and student organizations are the likely groups to benefit from SharePoint. It works seamlessly with Microsoft Office products such as Word, Excel and Access.

My Site is a personal Web portal that allows individuals to create a profile and a personal Web site that can be shared with colleagues.

There is a calendar tool, a place to post announcements, task lists and relevant links. Templates are available for creating blogs and wikis.

SharePoint is a great tool for managing documents. Libraries can be created and multiple authoring is supported. You can be alerted if someone in your team modifies a shared document. A check-in and check-out system can be enabled to ensure that just one person is working on a document at any given time to prevent overwriting. Different versions of a document can be saved and restored.

As a Web site content management system, SharePoint helps you separate the site design from the content authoring. Permissions can be set, giving you control over who has access to your site, a particular page or even a page element. In addition, a feature called audiencing provides a means for filtering specific parts of a page to a targeted audience.

Build your own My Site right now by logging into https://mysite.stonybrook.edu and entering your NetID and NetID password. Your NetID will need to be entered in the following format: sunysb.edu\“Your NetID”.

Additional SharePoint sites can be requested by filling out the form provided at https://web.stonybrook.edu/sharepoint.

Related Links:

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